Garage Epoxy Floor
Absolutely breathtaking!
With our garage epoxy floor service, you can transform a rusted, cracked and grimy garage concrete slab into a beautiful, stronger and longer lasting garage floor that’s virtually maintenance free.

Or how about this?

Right now though, you probably have a version of what’s in the image below.
Even though it may be new, it doesn’t look good.
If it is old, well, it may already be cracked, dirty and dead looking.
Heck, even if it is new, it may already be cracked and dirty by the time we get to it.

Check the video below out!
And how exactly do we transformed a cracked, dirty, dead looking garage floor into a beautiful, stronger and longer lasting garage?
Look no further than our garage epoxy floor service!
Garage Epoxy Floor OVERVIEW
Garage Epoxy floor Table of Contents
Garage Epoxy Floor - What Exactly is it?
Garage floor epoxy coatings use materials that will coat over the garage slab, bonding to it and creating an exceptionally strong coating. To put into perspective, as per Nevada Ready Mix, the compressive strength of concrete tends to be around 2,500 to 4,000 psi, meanwhile an epoxy coating hovers at around 8,000 psi to 11,000 psi. Thus, making it anywhere from twice to three times stronger than the concrete in place.
Some of the most common materials used for a garage epoxy floor are 100% solids epoxy, polyaspartic polyurea and polyurea base coat. We’ll dig a little deeper into each material down in the styles section. Probably the most used garage epoxy floor system, and most well-known setup is the RapidCast system; or simply put, the flake floor. When installed correctly (which of course, by us, it is), it serves more than just something pretty to look at.
Two things to remember when doing epoxy over your existing concrete garage floor; it is ONLY as good as the concrete it is bonding to AND the preparation done beforehand. These two cardinal rules must always be kept in mind.
Garage Epoxy Floor - The process
In just about everything that you do, there is a process to ensure that your task is successful. Garage epoxy floor is no different.
There may be more than one correct and effective way to do a task, your garage floor included, but this is how we go about it.
Here’s a brief overview.
- Prepare the surface.
The concrete needs to be prepped in order for the epoxy to adhere to your garage floor. Have you ever tried to stick tape to a dirty surface?
No good, right?
This is no different. That’s why this is probably the most important step.
a) Vapor Barrier
As far as we’re concern, this step is just as crucial. The purpose of the vapor barrier is to help mitigate moisture. Industrial grade garage epoxy floor materials are not breathable, thus, overtime, water issues may arise. We don’t like issues; I’m assuming you don’t either. Thus, why we consider this step exceptionally important.
b) Primer
Say you do not want the vapor barrier because you believe that you don’t need it or simply do not want it. We will prime the floor instead. We do this step to ensure the best possible bond possible for the basecoat.- Lay down the base coat.
Once the surface is prepped, vapor barrier installed, and ready to go, time to go to work!
Time to lay down the epoxy material on your garage floor as per agreement. Then, flakes over it. - Flakes
Base coat is on, Sweet!
Now on to with flakes!
Let’s make it happen! - Topcoat
Once that is all done and good to go, time to put on a topcoat. Once the right topcoat is put on, job is done!
There’s a lot more to it, do not get me wrong, but this is just so you get the gist of it.
Garage Epoxy Floor - Available Systems
Now that you have an overview of our garage epoxy floor process, here are a few different systems that can be used.
Aesthetically speaking, they will all look the same.
The process remains virtually the same; prep, vapor barrier, base coat, flake, topcoat.
With said, we will not push to sale you something that you do not need (unless you want it, of course).
Therefore, your needs/wants will dictate which garage floor epoxy system we believe is best suited for you and why we believe it so.
System #1 – 100% solids epoxy
This garage epoxy floor system is probably the most well-known, the most searched online, and the most mixed up as far as information goes. It was started back in the 1970s when contractors started laying this stuff down in garages. Word got around of its benefits, and boom, the demand grew, along with misinformation and some deception.
More on that later.
This garage epoxy floor system is a 2-component, 100% solids epoxy system. 100% solids mean that nothing will be evaporated, it will maintain its thickness throughout its curing process. This would be used as a base coat. Flakes will go into it, then topcoat with either another coat of epoxy, another coat of epoxy plus urethane, OR a coat of polyaspartic polyurea.
Job is done.
System #2 – Polyaspartic Polyurea
Most of you probably know this garage epoxy floor system as the famous “1-day garage install” or “transform your garage floor in one day!” or “4x stronger than epoxy” or blah blah blah.
Polyaspartic (a type of polyurea) was invented back in the 90s by Bayer MaterialScience LLC, as a protective steel coating for bridges.
Its purpose was to prevent corrosion, protect it against harsh chemicals and of course, attempt to protect against mother nature.
Well, if it can handle outside well, it can handle inside your garage, no?
This system will use polyaspartic polyurea for a base coat, then flake, then another coat of polyaspartic polyurea for a topcoat.
Job done.
P.S. We do not use this system as we do not believe it is the best option. It is the fastest, make no mistake. But fastest doesn’t translate to better.
System #3 – Polyurea base
This garage epoxy floor system is new to us.
We actually had a long conversation with a manufacture about it. From our conversation with them, this is the “improved” 1-day install.
Without getting too deep into it, the way that this garage epoxy floor system is chemically made, it makes for a much better product to bond to the concrete than the original “1-day install”; thus, the improved version.
Either way, it is available for those that want the 1-day install, but a better version of it.
We have not tested this out, therefore, we will not comment on how good it actually is.
This garage epoxy floor system will use the Polyurea for base, then flakes, then polyaspartic for a topcoat.
Job done.
There are a few different epoxy garage floor coatings out there to choose from.
Reach out to us and let’s find out which one is best suited for you!
There are plenty of benefits to getting a garage epoxy floor installed, regardless of which system you (or we) deem best suited for your needs.
Here’s to list a few:
Benefit #1 – Strength
Most concrete slabs will cure at somewhere around 2,500 to 4,000 psi. And as stated up top, most industrial grade epoxies will cure at around 8,000 psi to 11,000 psi. Depending on each mix scenario, that could be a fourfold increase in strength. Realistically though, you’re probably looking at somewhere around two, may three time stronger. Either way, your new garage floor will be much stronger than the garage concrete that you stare at every time you open your garage to go to work.
Benefit #2 – Chemical, scratch, slip resistant
There is a zero chance that your garage floor is chemical, scratch and slip resistant.
Have you ever changed the oil in your car inside the garage and accidentally spilled some over?
Concrete is exceptionally porous, so it absorbs everything.
The more things your concrete absorbs, the higher the chance to shorten its life.
If only you had something to protect the concrete from foreign substances…. Yeah….
Oh yeah! Our garage epoxy floor coating system!
Benefit #3 – Longevity
We all want the things we buy to last, right?
Protecting them is usually the best way to go about it.
Since our garage floor epoxy coating can be made to be chemical, scratch and slip resistant, the less foreign objects getting into the concrete, the longer it’ll last.
Benefit #4 – Low maintenance
Most people are busy, period. We as humans like things that are easy and low maintenance. Nothing wrong with that.
Quick sweep and mop, done.
Next task!
Benefit #5 – Beauty
This one is kind of goes without saying, but hey, we’ll state it anyways.
Not only do we all want our things to last, but we also want them to be pretty and aesthetically pleasing.
Concrete is a material that is used to build foundations of buildings, sidewalks, driveways, etc., not because it’s pretty, but because overall, it is the best bang for the buck. With that said, it is not very pretty to look at.
Concrete tends to be gray, dull and dead looking; and when dirty, exceptionally ugly as well. Dirt just so happens to show really well on dead concrete. Our floors most definitely change that. I mean, take a look at our work, it speaks for itself.
There are many benefits to having an epoxy floor coating for garage, from slip resistant to protecting the concrete to its beauty.
Contact us today to get a quote on our garage epoxy floor for your garage!
Great! Aside from the garage, where can I get this done?
Good question!
And the answer to that is kind is everywhere, but kind of just inside.
Confusing, we know. We’ll explain.
If you gave us a blank check and that came with a “I want this here, make it happen!” kind of attitude, then, absolutely!
We will make it happen; and it’ll last.
If you asked us “Hey guys, does it make sense to put this stuff on my patio?” we will probably turn around
and say, “how about a decorative concrete instead?”
We’ll keep this really short and really sweet. None of these materials used for garage floor epoxy system are breathable.
What does that essentially mean?
There’s a good chance that your outside concrete (driveway, sidewalk, pool patio, etc.) does NOT have a vapor barrier.
If we put a nonbreathable material over a concrete slab with no vapor barrier, moisture could potentially build up.
Once enough moisture builds up, it’ll pop through the coating.
You’ll have these “bubble” looking spots.
Have you ever heard of a time where mankind has EVER won a fight against mother nature?
Yeah, neither have we. This is no different.
NOW, that is NOT to say it CANNOT be done.
This is where the whole blank check and “I want this here, make it happen!” attitude comes in!
It’s not that we cannot or will not do it; we could, and we would. Money talks though.
If you want this on surface and are not really sure if you should, give us a shout so we can discuss it!
Everything sounds great! Now, how much is it going to cost me?
Another great question!
This one though, not such a simple answer.
Every job is different. Thus, every job will have a different price tag attached to it.
Some of the factors included are:
– Size of your garage.
– Are we doing the stem walls?
– Condition of current surface (meaning, is it brand new or will it need a lot of TLC).
– Is there already another coat or painting on it?
– Your timeframe (meaning, do you need it done yesterday or can it be added to the current schedule?).
See why this is not such a simple answer?
Even when someone says, “standard two car garage”, well, that still does not help because is it a “standard two car garage” for two small cars or is it a “standard two car garage” for two full size trucks?
Our only issue with Googling “cost of garage epoxy floor” is that you will get a variety of prices, and some of those prices are if they’re using Big Box Store materials and are not exactly adhering to our high standards.
A two-car garage for say 800 hundred dollars?
Yeah…. No…..
We charge extra to have to remove that.
Want to know exactly how much your garage floor will actually cost?
Reach out to us today so we schedule an estimate and get you an exact number for your investment!
Final thoughts
If you read the whole garage epoxy floor article, great! We hope we were super detailed and informative.
if you kind of skimmed through it, that’s fine too, we’re sure we’ll go over everything in detail when we give you a quote for your project.
Please check our service areas to make sure we service your area and if not, what to do to get us out there!
Either way, if we missed something here, or there is something else that you’d like to know, please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience so we can clarify your question(s) for you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Question #1 – My concrete is badly damaged. Will epoxy fix it?
– No! It most definitely will not!
If the concrete is failing, has sunken, clear signs of being that badly degraded, your best bet is to rip out and replace.
All things have an expiration date, and such said concrete has most definitely reached it.
Question #2 – If I do have to replace the concrete, will you do it?
– No, we will not. We do not pour concrete.
Question #3 – My concrete is cracked. Once filled and epoxy applied, will it crack again?
– In short, maybe. We fill the cracks with the best materials we can get our hands on. With that said, due to so many variables, those cracks may come back or, they may be formed in a different area.
(I want someone to tell me when has mankind ever won a fight against mother nature. This is no different)
Question #4 – How long will this garage epoxy floor last?
– This one is hard to say as there are various factors to it, but with that said, as far as your garage goes, under normal conditions (You’re not running bulldozers through your garage. You are parking your car, changing your oil, storing your pedal bikes, maybe cutting some 2×4) should last a decade or more.
IF well maintained, of course.
Question #5 – “Well maintained?” What exactly do I need to do?
– Just clean it; sweep and mop.
Take care of it as you would with anything else. If you change your oil and spill some on your garage epoxy floor, don’t let it sit there for a week and expect it last as long as some would keep the garage floor clean.
Question #6 – Vapor barrier, in your professional experience, luxury or required?
In short; both.
We’re writing an article about it to better explain this. Check back soon.
Do not worry though if you don’t see the article here.
We will MOST DEFINITELY, IN DETAIL, explain this part of the process when giving you your estimate.
Question #7 – I’ve seen other companies do “lifetime warranties.” Why do you not?
– Simple, because we don’t believe in gimmicks. That sounds like a sales pitch from the get-go!
You really think someone is going to come out and fix something, anything, for you 30 years from now?
Who knows, they might; we’re just not holding our breath.
Also, “lifetime”, lifetime of what exactly? Your lifetime? The company’s? The material’s? the floor’s? the ceiling’s?
Nothing has to be shown to us, mainly because we do not worry about how others do their jobs and/or conduct themselves.
With that said though, if anyone offers you guys a lifetime warranty on a garage floor, ask them for their warranty paperwork; see what they really cover.
Question #8 – One day garages, do you recommend them or do you not?
Here is what I want you to do.
Go read, right now. Written by yours truly. Click below.
Question #9 – Then why do companies offer them?
– That’s simple; go read.
Question #10 – Can I get your materials at Home Depot or Lowes?
The materials we use to do your garage floor is NOT some DIY garage floor epoxy you purchase at your local box store for a couple to a few hundred dollars; not even close.
We use industrial grade materials in order to ensure the longevity of your investment.
Question #11 – We have seen the “X times stronger than epoxy” or “X times harder than epoxy”. Why use epoxy then?
Here is what we want you do to.
Go read, right now.
Written by yours truly.
Click below.
4x stronger than epoxy or 4x stronger than garbage?
Question #12 – And the cool epoxy floor with the waves and swirls?
You mean a metallic epoxy floor?
In short, if you keep your garage close 99% of the time OR due to where your garage is facing, it gets virtually no sunlight, then sure, it may be a good option.
Otherwise, stick with the flakes.
Did we miss anything?
Let us know if you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns about our garage epoxy floor service.
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Also, don’t forget to check out our other services!
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| Pool Deck Resurfacing |
| Epoxy Floor |
| Metallic Epoxy Floor |
| Decorative Concrete |
| Self-Leveling Concrete |
| Sloping Concrete Cap|
| Seal Concrete |
| Reseal Concrete |
| Grind and Seal Concrete |
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