Terms and conditions

For All Contracts signed before 29th December 2023 click here

Last updated: 13 July 2024

Here are our terms and conditions the follow services we offer

| Concrete Resurfacing |
| Pool Deck Resurfacing |
Epoxy Floor |
| Metallic Epoxy Floor |
Decorative Concrete |
Garage Epoxy Floor |
| Self-Leveling Concrete |
| Sloping Concrete Cap|
| Seal Concrete |
| Reseal Concrete |
| Grind and Seal Concrete |

It is your responsibility to make sure that you understand our terms and conditions before signing our contract.

Our terms and conditions are NOT to screw anyone over.
We are NOT trying to “pull a fast one” or trying to “take anyone for a ride.”
With that said, we don’t want to be taken for a ride either.
Our terms and conditions exist in order to keep everything as transparent as possible.

That way, there are no surprises.
There are no questions.
There are no complaints.
There are no “we didn’t know” scenarios.

Please keep in mind that not everything here will apply to you or your project as some of the terms and conditions are job specific.
We will do our best to go over everything that applies to YOUR specific project during our estimate. We will gladly give you time to read during the estimate and we are more than happy to clear up any questions that you may have.

We are men of honor.
If there is something you do not understand, we will gladly clarify the part in which you did not understand and send our explanation to you in writing. That way, you have proof that what we explained to you is what we meant.

And if need be, we’ll update such said part in our terms and conditions accordingly. 

We are exceptionally flexible.
Communication is key. Communicate with us and we will do our best to accommodate. 

We like simplicity.
We like clarity.
We like transparency.

That’s how we run things.

1. The following is to be provided by the client and it is not negotiable:

·        Easily accessible and readily available water source.
                    – Hose with good water pressure.          

·        Easily accessible and readily available electric source.
                    – [two (2) 20-amp min, each on a separate circuit and access to control panel]

·        Working lights (if needed).

·        Dumpster or use of garbage cans for thrash disposal.

·        If project is indoors – adequate temperature (between 60 and 80F).

·        Access to a clean working bathroom (bare minimum a clean working toilet).


Failure to provide ANY of these requests, contractor will find means to provide these necessities at YOUR, the client, expense.
Example: If you cannot provide two 20-amp circuits, contractor will rent a generator. If you cannot provide access to a bathroom, contractor will rent a porta potty. If project is inside and the building has no heat or AC, contractor will rent a window unit or some sort of heat/cold source.


2. Changing the pitch (slope) of slab is never automatically “included” in any concrete resurfacing or epoxy coating service provided.
Nor will it ever be. 
If you, the client, want either a level floor or the slop of your slab to change, as an extra service for an extra fee, self-leveling concrete may be applied, or a cap may be placed on top of your existing concrete in order to change slope of concrete. Please keep in mind that caps will not be a perfect straight-line slope from top to bottom.
Expects caps to slope in desired direction, but also expect possible inconsistencies.


3. Permits

·        If needed, client is responsible for obtaining any and all permits/inspections required.

·        If needed, client is responsible for obtaining HOA approval.
Contractor will not be liable in any way, shape or form, if HOA forces client to remove completed work from premises.


4. Access to job site – Client shall provide reasonable access to the job site. Contractor recognizes that he may have to maneuver through landscaping and will use all possible care to prevent damage. Contractor is in no way, shape or form liable for excessive damage that may have occurred in order to complete project. If contractor has to do extra work in order to access job site (example: If landscape has to be trimmed back and is not done so by client before start of project) contractor will do so for an extra charge, in order to compensate for time.

If client explicitly states that they will not pay for it because they got a guy, or they’re going to do it themselves, or whatever the case might be, from that moment up until it is complete, that time is considered wasted hours, and wasted hours are charged at two hundred dollars an hour.
Please read #6 for better understanding.

5. Client is responsible for removing debris and personal belongings/property from work area.
If need be, that also includes removing anything from the walls/ceiling/etc.
Presumably inside, grinding is necessary, even though the vacuum catches the vast majority, it does not catch 100% of all the concrete dust.
We will not be responsible for dusting your walls/ceilings/pictures on the wall/etc.
Extra heavy things such as hot tubs may be negotiated in contract for us to move and place it back.
We will be as careful as humanly possible, with that said, we take no responsibility if it gets damaged.

6. It is the client’s responsibility to keep everything and everyone off the work area. Period.
We do not take responsibility in this particular task in any way, shape or form.

If repairs are needed to be made due to anything or anyone, except by contractor and/or contractor’s crew (example: a dog runs across epoxy floor while it is still wet, left a bunch of footprints, and now it needs to be redone or another contractor, say the plumber, is changing a sink and just so happens to forget to close the pipe. He decides to do water test elsewhere in the building and now water leaks into the epoxy while it is curing. Literally anything.)


          – Charge to remove material:
               – Concrete resurfacing coatings: Two dollars a square foot or minimum or a minimum of five hundred dollars, whichever one is greater.                 – Resin coatings: Three dollars a square foot or a minimum of one thousand dollars, whichever one is greater.

          – Charge to reinstall material
               – Concrete resurfacing coatings: Two dollars a square foot or minimum or a minimum of five hundred dollars, whichever one is greater.
               – Resin coatings: charge depends on which “layer” or “coat” that has to be redone.
                              – Base coat: Three dollars a square foot or a minimum of eight hundred dollars, whichever one is greater.
                              – Body coat: Six dollars a square foot or a minimum of fifteen hundred dollars, whichever one is greater.
                              – Top coat: Three dollars a square foot or a minimum of eight hundred dollars, whichever one is greater.

Failure to pay will result in contractor placing a lean on property and contractor will take all legal action as permitted by law.
Any and all costs incurred by contractor in attempting to get compensation owed by client will be added to balance as well.
A fee of 2.5% interest compounded monthly will be applied to all past due balance.


7. If clean up needs to occur due to anything or anyone other than the contractor and/or contractor’s crew (Example: the neighbor’s dog runs across the work area and leaves muddy dog prints everywhere.) THERE WILL BE A CHARGE FOR CLEAN UP AND A CHARGE FOR WASTED TIME (IF ANY). THOSE TWO CHARGES MUST BE PAID IN FULL BEFORE ANY WORK CONTINUES.

          – Charge for clean up
               – Concrete resurfacing coatings: Two hundred dollars an hour.
               – Epoxy coatings: Two hundred dollars an hour.

          – Charge for wasted time:
               – Concrete resurfacing coatings: Two hundred dollars an hour.
               – Epoxy coatings: Two hundred dollars an hour.

Two things: 

#1 – A picture will be taken to prove when we arrived at your jobsite, picture of GPS saying how long it takes to get to where we need to go if we need to go somewhere, how long we are there for, etc.

#2 – Hours are rounded UP.
Meaning, if after we tally up the time frame from our pictures, and it comes out to two hours and one minute or two hours and forty-seven minutes, it rounds up to three hours.

Wasted time is define as time that work cannot continue due any and all scenarios that fits in #6 or #7.
Here are some examples of wasted time:
Example #1: If needed equipment to clean up is not present, and was not needed for scheduled work, going to get it is part of “wasted time”.
Example #2: Contractor has to wait three hours for concrete to dry after cleanup before applying sealer. That is wasted time.

Here is one made up scenario:
Let’s take the dog leaving muddy dog prints example from up above.
We’re going to pretend that we won’t need to redo anything. 
It’s cured enough and we can pressure wash it.
It’s time to seal the concrete. Last day of work. Last task of the project.

When we arrive, it’s got muddy dog prints everywhere. We cannot seal.
Since it was the last phase of the project, the pressure washer is not present because it was not needed.
Also, you cannot seal the concrete when it’s wet.

***Clock starts***

We’ll round up the numbers to make the math simple:
– It takes 1 hour round trip to get the pressure washer (Wasted time. We did not need pressure washer that day, so it wasn’t present.
– It takes 30 minutes to pressure washer (clean up.)
– It takes 2 and half hours for the concrete to dry before being able to seal (wasted time).

In this made-up example, that would bring us to grand total of 4 hours. Which brings us to a grand total of 800 dollars.

Failure to pay will result in contractor placing a lean on property and contractor will take all legal action as permitted by law.
Any and all costs incurred by contractor in attempting to get compensation owed by client will be added to balance as well.
A fee of 2.5% interest compounded monthly will be applied to all past due balance.


8. Immediately upon completion, there will be a final walkthrough with client. If client is not present for any given reason, nor wishes to be so, it is automatically assumed that the client is signing off on completion of project and there is NOTHING ELSE OWED TO CLIENT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM.

9. Caution after completion

·        Foot traffic – There shall be no foot traffic on surface for a MINIMUM of 24 hours after completion. Failure to comply with this requirement may void limited warranty.


·        Vehicle traffic – There shall be no vehicle traffic on surface for a MINIMUM of 7 days after completion. Failure to comply with this requirement may void limited warranty.


·        Pressure washing – If applicable to your project, there shall be no pressure washing for a MINIMUM of 7 days after completion.
IF pressure washer is high pressure gas powered, it’s 28 days.
Failure to comply with this requirement may void limited warranty.


Failure to abide by these guidelines may cause the project to fail prematurely and contractor will not, nor will ever be, liable for client’s negligence.

10. Client gives permission to contractor to take any pictures wanted and/or needed and use them as contractor sees fit and/or needed.

11. Unless otherwise stated in writing (text or email is fine) payment is to be delivered upon completion.
(BOTH contractor AND client must agree to payment date. NO EXCEPTIONS).
If client is not present at completion, nor wishes to be so, client must make arrangements for payment to be present upon completion (example: leave a check in the mailbox, with the neighbors, receptionist, etc.).

Failure to do so may result in contractor placing a lean on property and contractor will take all legal action as permitted by law.
Any and all costs incurred by contractor in attempting to get compensation owed by client will be added to balance as well.
A fee of 2.5% interest compounded monthly will be applied to all past due balance.

12. If any issues arise after project is completed, please get a hold of us. Call/text/email.
CALLING is USUALLY faster and better on our end. You’ll have us live.
If email/text, please give a MINIMUM of 24 to 48 hours to receive a reply.

13. Contractor does not promise that your project will aesthetically come out exactly like any picture you’ve seen, contractor has shown, and/or anything in between. Since everything is custom, and the condition of every concrete is different, it is impossible to replicate something one hundred percent. Contractor will always state “a version of that” or “something similar to it”, but never “exactly like it.”

14. Pool decks – the recommended surface by the contractor will ALWAYS be a sprayed texture.
Even with anti-slip additives, when wet, sealed concrete may get slippery. The sprayed texture is to counter it, giving it a ” soft sandpaper” like grip.
If you, the client, wish to have a different design other than sprayed texture, contractor will oblige,

15. Cracks – not all cracks may be visible when given the estimation. Some are only visible after grinding or you, the client, may have a floor or carpet that will need to be ripped out. Either way, regardless of scenario, if after ripping out the carpet/current floor or after griding or anything else, cracks are found, you, the client, automatically agree to an upcharge of 7 dollars per linear foot of cracks in order to have them filled. If we cannot see it when giving you a quote, we cannot quote for it.

16. Grinding – If grinding is needed for your project:

·        When grinding outside – if location allows for it, no shroud or vacuum will be used (example: back patio with a really big backyard or patio facing the woods). The dust made from grinding will be blown towards the grass/woods. It’s dust: it won’t harm your grass and as soon as it rains, you won’t see it.


·        When grinding outside – if location does not permit (example: front entrance of complex apartment building), then shroud and vacuum will be used. Minimal dust will be made. 


·        When grinding inside – no exceptions, shroud and vacuum will be used. Minimal dust will be made since concrete dust is exceptionally fine. It is the client’s responsibility to cover their belongings in order to protect them from the dust (example: TV, couch, etc.)
The shroud will pick up the vast majority, but not 100%.


·        Cracks (Inside and Outside) – Unfortunately, dust will be made. The shroud made for it is pitiful at best. When outside, it’s not an issue, some dust will be made. It is what it is. When inside, we do what we can to minimize the dust (we have the vacuum hose as close to the blade as we can possibly have it, so the vacuum can suck up as much dust as possible. HOWEVER, but there WILL be dust. Please cover everything.


17. Removing current floor/coating/paint/glue/etc. – Since we do not know the condition of concrete underneath, because well, we cannot see it, it will be very hard to determine how long it will actually take to complete the job. We will gladly state “if all goes well, once prep is done, it should take X number of days to complete.”. Bear in mind, ONCE prep is done.

18. Metallic Epoxy floor and Neat Epoxy Floor – few things, and please read them carefully.

·        Sample Boards: – We make sample boards in order to ensure our client is getting as close to what they are looking for (color/design/etc.) as possible. Of course, things may flow somewhat different on your concrete (say you got a slight hump somewhere, it may flow to the slightly lower spot next to the high spot), but as far as design and colors, it will be a very close representation.


      STANDARD PROCEDURE: A maximum of 3 sample boards will be made at no extra charge. Each additional sample board will cost an additional four hundred dollars.  NO epoxy work is to be started UNTIL client has signed off on a sample board. We may start on the prep (grinding/patching/etc.), but no epoxy will hit the ground until we know what we are doing.


      With that said, not everyone has the time, patience or care for these sample boards.
They do take approximately 2-3 days to be made.
You, the client, may reject to have these sample boards made in order to save time (in writing, of course).


·        Coats: They are defined in the following manner:
          – Primer coat: coat is to be applied at approximately 300 squared feet per gallon
          – Base coat: coat is to be applied at approximately 100 to 150 squared feet per gallon.
          – Flood coat: coat is to be applied at approximately around 40 squared feet per gallon, but at an absolute maximum of 50 squared feet per gallon.
          – Top coat: coat is to be applied at approximately 250 to 270 squared feet per gallon.


·        Dust: Depending on location, say basement with unfinished ceiling, there is a good chance that when you (or we) come back the next day you may find the surface a bit rough looking. It’s the dust that settled on top of the epoxy floor as it was curing.  As you use the epoxy floor, it will wear out with time. If you want us to literally tape ceilings and walls and every little nook and cranny in order to prevent as much dust as possible for entering the floor while it is curing, there will be an extra charge for that.


·        Bugs: Depending on location, say an unfinished basement, bugs, spiders and whatever else that can get into your basement, may just do so and get stuck in the epoxy floor as it is curing. This one is exceptionally hard to prevent due to the fact that if we use tape to try to stop them from crawling on the floor, the tape will get stuck, permanently, in the epoxy floor as it is curing. The silver lining there is that these creatures tend to not go very far. Meaning, if it does occur, odds are, it will be a corner somewhere where odds are you, and everyone else, will not see it. If it happens before the topcoat, we will carefully peel the creature off the floor and apply topcoat. If it happens AFTER the topcoat, then you, the client, will carefully remove the creature off the floor.


·        Baseboard: We always advise the baseboard to come off (or not be installed yet) before doing the epoxy floor. Reason being is, we will tape them off in order to attempt to protect them, but it is not uncommon for the epoxy to bleed a little through the tape. We will not remove the baseboards, nor will we repair/replace them in the event that the tape does bleed out.


·        Tape: When applying the topcoat when the baseboards are in place, we tape them off in order to protect them.
Yes, we go through a LOT of tape.
Unless explicitly stated in contract as part of scope of work, it is the client’s responsibility to remove the tape around the baseboard/water heater/doors/rest of parameter/etc. the following day.


      Failure to do so may cause the tape to be stuck and you may spend hours with a box cutter or a sharp knife trying to carefully get out all the tape without damaging the floor and baseboards.
If baseboards have been removed prior to installation, as recommended by us, it is still the client’s responsibility to remove the tape around the doors/water heater/parameter/etc. of the project the following day.


19. Vaper Barrier – Vapor barrier is not a sales pitch.
We consider it an exceptionally important step when doing epoxy floor and garage epoxy floor projects.
Not all vapor barriers are created equal and not all vapor barriers meet the astm-f3010 manual. The ones we use do, of course.
If Vapor barrier is rejected by client, by signing our contract, you, the client, agree that you were thoroughly explained about the importance of it and choose to reject it just the same.

20. Time frame and delays – Time frame will always be given as working days. It will take X number of working days to complete your project. Weather and temperatures are a big factor in that. If it rains or temperature drops below X degrees unexpectedly, or we have a heatwave, it will push the project back. Also, we are humans, we get sick, some of us may have families, children, they get sick. Things happen. If your child gets sick, you’d want your boss to understand that and respect the fact that you didn’t go to work in order to take care of your sick child.
We expect that same understanding and respect from you as well.

Sometimes things out of our control may occur, such as, a piece of equipment giving out or something didn’t come out right.
Either way, it will cause a delay.
If your car broke down on the way to work, you’d want your boss to understand why you are late.
If our equipment breaks during the job, we expect the same understanding from you.

Also, we shall not be liable for delays due to fire, strikes, war, acts of God, government regulations, supplier or shipment delays, or any caused beyond our control.

21. Work hours – We do our best to accommodate our client’s schedule, after all, that’s part of doing custom work.
Some projects will require special hours and weekends, we understand that completely. And we are happy to oblige. 
Say it’s a restaurant or a store. That restaurant or store needs to be open and operational to make money.
How can we expect the client to pay us if they’re not making money?

With that said, not every request is humanly feasible.
Unless explicitly stated in our contract, work hours are Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm.
(Arrive at jobsite by 9am. Leave jobsite by 6pm).

As per our contract, contractor is not required to work outside that schedule, period.
However, contractor may negotiate to do so for a fee. 

Example: Let’s say there were delays due to say sickness/equipment failure/something didn’t come out right/etc., you know, JUSTIFIABLE delays, and you REALLY need such said project done before a certain date, do NOT expect us to make up that time by burning the midnight oil for free.
We do not expect anyone to work overtime for free,
(it’s not like they can be forced, after all, slavery was so 150 years ago) therefore, neither do we.

22. Temperature – This should not be a concern for indoor projects, but more so outdoors. And yes, your garage is considered and outdoor project. And this is a big one that some do not understand.


We will say it one more time for the folks in the back.


What does that mean?

That means that 85 degrees is too hot to use certain materials, but 95 degrees is ok for others.
Therefore, if there is an unexpected heatwave or a cold snap or something along the lines of, expect a delay.

At the end of the day though, regardless of project/activity/layer, we do not operate under 40 degrees real feel, and we do not operate over 100 degrees real feel.

Example: say we’re working on your back porch, and it’s July, no shade. We show up around 8 a.m., we say good morning, how are you, etc. and then we go to work. If you just so happen to peak out the window at around 11 a.m. and notice that we are no longer there, please pull out your phone and check the temperature BEFORE calling frantically asking why we left so early. There’s a reason: It may be just too hot to do anything.

“But Felipe man, my app says it’s 87 degrees! Why did you guys leave??? It’s only 11 a.m.!!”
Yeah, but real feel is 97, we’re right under the sun, no shade, and it’s only 10 a.m., meaning, it’s going to get HOTTER.
We’re packing and leave. Done.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, say it’s your garage, and it’s October/November, and we just got some chilly winds from up north.
It just occurred to you! It’s 11am and we are not there yet!
Again, before pulling out your phone to call us and hysterically demanding to know where we are at, click the weather app and check the temperature. There’s a reason why it’s 11 a.m. and we are not there yet: It may be too cold to do anything.

23. Pricing and scope may be adjusted if conditions and measurements on site vary from this estimate. In the event the substrate condition does not align with estimate scope of work upon start of project, the project will stop until a solution amenable to both parties are reached.
What does that mean?
If from the date of quote to the start date of the job, if the conditions have changed, so will our quote.

Here is a made-up example:
Say it’s a garage. Quote is given, contract is signed, deposit is accepted, all is well.
Start date is 3 weeks from now.
In the meantime, you decide to swap out the transmission of your car in your garage.
Chains fail to hold the transmission.
It drops, hits the ground hard, making pretty nice size crater in the concrete and spilled transmission fluid everywhere.

If cleaning up transmission fluid and patching whatever the transmission broke was not included in the original contract for your garage, and there are no change orders for this incident, well? Your garage will not get cleaned and fixed for free. Even though it needs to be cleaned and fixed before any material hits the floor.
We will come back to the table and find an amicable solution for the issue at hand.

24. Warranty

·        All concrete resurfacing and decorative concrete projects carry a non-transferable 2-year limited warranty for delamination unless otherwise specified in writing. If client does not abide by contractor’s instructions, limited warranty is voided. Exclusions listed bottom of web page.

·        All resin projects carry a non-transferable 3-year limited warranty for delamination unless otherwise specified in writing. If client does not abide by contractor’s instructions, limited warranty is voided. Exclusions listed bottom of web page.

·        To all projects: Warranty covers repairs to the affected area only. We do our best to match it best as possible, however, areas repaired under warranty may vary in color, texture, and possibly shininess if you will, from areas installed which are not repaired.


Example: Say it’s a back porch and it’s a wood look design. A year and half from now you decide to call,
“Hey Felipe. How are you? Got an issue here. On 2 planks, some spots look like they have peeled off. May you please swing by to take a look at it?”

Of course!

Say we deemed it was really out fault, and not someone doing something they were not supposed to, we will gladly fix it.
Now, we will fix those two planks and that is it. There’s a good chance they may feel slightly different, as with all things we do, we do them by hand. However, there’s a very good chance that those two planks, especially when the sealer hits it, will look/shine very different than the other planks that have been there for a year and half.
We will NOT reseal the whole back porch for free in order to best match the 2 new planks.
Don’t even ask.
We would gladly quote you for such said task; it just won’t be for free.
Again, don’t ask.

25. If we, the contractor, are forced to install in two separate occasions (as to allow access to the property), there may be some variation in color, texture and appearance. We will do our best to keep any color variations from happening, but, either way, we assume no liability from it.

26. Cleaning – The surface may be cleaned with any non-solvent dish or laundry soap, such as Dove, Dawn or Tide. Gum may be removed by spraying WD-40 on the gum and allowing to soap for 5-10 minutes. The use of any solvent-based cleaners, especially Pine Sol or Spic and Span will void your limited warranty.

27. Sprinklers – During the application of the coating and for 48 hours after, contractor requires that you turn your lawn sprinklers off. If the sprinklers are activated during the coating process, or within a few hours after the coating has been applied, damage to the coating will occur. This damage will be repairs at your expense.

28. Taping – Contractor is not responsible for paint or wall surfaces that adhere our painters masking tape. This tape is designed not to damage surfaces that are bonded well. If the surfaces are not bonded well (i.e., loose paint, wall coatings, tile, etc.) the tape can possibly remove these loose surfaces and contractor will not be liable for it.

Contractor is also not responsible for removing final tape. 
Tape is applied before the last coat (sealer or urethane) in order to ensure no sealer or resin gets on the walls, trims, pianos, cabinets, pool tables, etc.
Unless explicitly stated in our contract as part of our scope of work or added after and signed by both contractor and client, you, the client, are responsible for removing the tape the following day. Period.

29. Washdown area – Contractor requires an area to wash down equipment and tools close to the work area.
And yes, there may be a little bit of material on the ground. 
If client does not specify a spot, contractor will pick a spot that we believe will have the least impact on your landscaping. If this is a concern, please discuss prior to signing contract.
Contractor takes zero liability for choosing the “wrong” cleaning area.

30. Larger projects – If need be, for any and all reason, to have material and or equipment delivered to project site, a safe place to store material and/or equipment is to be provided by client.

31. Delays – We understand delays can occur. A water heater may go out or the HVAC unit needed to be changed before its expected due date.
We get it.
With that said, unless an agreement is made and explicitly stated in writing, a project may not be extended for more than 90 days.
Meaning, if you, the client, wish to extend the project say 6 months out or something, by the default, you, the client, are cancelling the project.
And as stated in our contract, deposits are non-refundable. Meaning, you forfeit that too.

32. Contract – Contractor will honor everything that is written in the contract between them and the client. Period.
On that same note, client will honor everything that is written in our terms and conditions. Period. No exceptions.
These are our requirements in order to ensure we provide the best results while maintaining the best relationship with our clients.

Our contracts are written in great detail in order to keep things as transparent as possible.
Our contracts are not meant to screw anyone over. On the contrary, they are meant to ensure that everything remains transparent between contractor and client as far as expectations, scope of work, and anything and everything in between.
It also serves purpose to describe exactly what contractor is doing.
If contract states one, it’s one, not two. Two costs extra.
If contract states two, it’s two. not three. Three costs extra.
If contract states three, it’s three, not four, five or six. Four, five or six costs extra.
If contract states area A. It is area A, not area A+B. Area B costs extra.

We try to be as reasonable as we can be with any and all change order(s), and we do our very best to accommodate all of our client’s requests.
After all, that is what custom work is all about. Providing the client with exactly what they want.
However, since you, the client, do not work for free, do not expect us, the contractor, to either. 

The following are explicitly exempt from Contractor’s liability in any and every way, shape and form and are exempt from limited warranty.

1. Damages due to mother nature and any/all sorts of acts of God (example: tornado or natural shift of the ground).

2. Damages due to negligence (example: failure to follow instructions or proper maintenance).

3. Damages due to malice intent (example: purposely trying to damage the work).

4. Damages due to secondary effect (example: pipe bursts under the slab, water freezes, cracks slab).

5. Damages due to hydrostatic pressure.

6. Damages due to moisture vapor transmissions greater than 25 pounds/1000 ft2/24 hours (with vapor barrier ONLY). 

7. Damages due to battery acid, brake fluid or other industrial fluids.

8. Addressed cracks (or newly formed cracks) are in no way, shape or form covered by the contractor.
They are addressed and filled to the best of contractor’s knowledge. With that said, due to so many variables, they may return, or they may be formed in different location.

Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, concerns about our terms and conditions
If you’d like a copy attached to your quote, a written request must be made, and we will gladly due so.
Otherwise, you are in agreement with everything listed here.
Please keep in mind, these can change without notice as the business changes.

Since You’ve made it down this far
Please do not forget to checkout our services and service areas to see how we may be of help in your next concrete coating project!

Last updated: 13 July 2024

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